
Reviewers for Journals

Faculty Members were reviewer of the journals like IJEPES, RE, JEET, Energy, IET, ITEES and conferences like ICPS

Sr No. Faculty Name Journal Reviewer
1 Dr. V N Kalkhambkar IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
IEEE Access
IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis)
Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilisation & Environ.
Effects (Taylor & Francis) International Transaction On Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley)
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (IEEE)
Journal of Electrical Systems (ESR Groups)
Energy Reports - Elsevier
2 Dr. P. K. Katti IJRET
Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis)
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
3 Dr. D. B. Talange IET
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
4 Dr. Sujil A. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilisation & Environ.
Effects (Taylor & Francis)
IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics
5 Dr. P. P. Gupta International Journal of Energy Research, Wiley  
IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Journal of Energy Storage Elsevierer
IEEE System Journal
6 Dr. A R Thorat Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications- (T&F)
7 Mrs. Y. N. Bhosale JEET
8 Mr. R A Metri  Springer; JEET
9 Mr. C L Bhattar Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering; International Journal of Electronics
10 Mr. S S Kumbhar NIL
11 Mr. K M Nathgosavi NIL