
Funded Research Projects (Govt/Industry)

Year: 2022-23

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Title of the Project Name of Funding Scheme and agency Amount Sanctioned
 1. Dr. P. V. Gaikwad     Low cost synthesis of mixed metal oxide based
composites for water remediation  
    Rs. 35,000/-  

Year: 2021-22

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Title of the Project Name of Funding Scheme and agency Amount Sanctioned
1. Dr. M.B. Mandale Development of acoustic enclosure using acoustic metamaterials Seed funding, RIT, Rajaramnagar 30000
2. Dr. R. M. Kurane Synthesis and Characterization of nanostructured Graphene based hybrids for efficient solid state battery Seed funding, RIT, Rajaramnagar 35000
3. Dr. R. M. Kurane Advanced Seawage treatment by using polymer and grapheme coated filter system Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) 100000
4. Dr. Ms. S. N. Pusawale Fabrication and Performance study of asymmetric super capacitor device using Co based nanomaterial Seed funding, RIT, Rajaramnagar 30000
5. Mr. S. M. Patange Development of novel multifunctional lubricant additives for tribological properties and machining applications  Seed funding, RIT, Rajaramnagar 30000

Year 2020-21

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Title of the Project Name of Funding Scheme Amount Sanctioned
1. Dr. R. M. Kurane Synthesis and Characterization of functionalised Graphene for Catalytic and Energy Applications Research initiation scheme by Shivaji University, Kolhapur 110000
2. Dr. R. M. Kurane Advanced Seawage treatment by using polymer and grapheme coated filter system Seed funding, RIT, Rajaramnagar 60000

Year 2019-20

Sr.No. Name of Faculty Title of the Project Name of Funding Scheme Amount Sanctioned
1. Dr. R. M. Kurane Synthesis and Characterization of functionalised Graphene for Catalytic and Energy Applications Research initiation scheme by Shivaji University, Kolhapur 110000