IRINS (Indian Research Information Network System) Services

IRINS (Indian Research Information Network System) Services

IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre. The portal facilitates the academic, R&D organisations and faculty members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS is available as free software-as-service to the academic and R&D organisations in India.

The IRINS would support to integrate the existing research management system such as HR system, course management, grant management system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc. It has integrated with academic identity such as ORCID ID, Scopus ID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly publication from various sources.


The major features of this project are as follows:
1. Work as common platform across all academic and research institutes in Indian HEIs sector.
2. Serve as a research tool to project performance of individual, departments, and schools/institutes on various bibliometric parameters.
3. Supports integration of existing research management system viz. HR system,  course/grant management system, IR, Open/commercial citation databases and academic identity such as ORCID ID, Scopus ID, Google Scholar ID, Researcher ID etc.
4. It can facilitate flow of information on research carried out by individual faculty, researchers within an institute or across institutions and its departments/schools.
5. It can be used as an instrument for policy makers and Government to identify expertise available, thrust areas of research, research gaps and define their policies on research funding accordingly  

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology (RIT) has launched this project in 2019 to discriminate profiles of faculties with their publications, citations, h-index etc.
This Project is handled by Mr. Vishwas Hase, Librarian, RIT Central library as a Nodal Officer
Now available for Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Islampur Sangli at the URL:  

IRINS is web-based Research Information Management (RIM) service developed by the Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre in collaboration with the Central University of Punjab. The portal facilitates the academic, R&D organisations and faculty members, scientists to collect, curate and showcase the scholarly communication activities and provide an opportunity to create the scholarly network. The IRINS is available as free software-as-service to the academic and R&D organisations in India.

The IRINS would support to integrate the existing research management system such as HR system, course management, grant management system, institutional repository, open and commercial citation databases, scholarly publishers, etc. It has integrated with academic identity such as ORCID ID, ScopusID, Research ID, Microsoft Academic ID, Google Scholar ID for ingesting the scholarly publication from various sources.

 Research Scholar:

It provides immense support to find mentors or advisors for their research in the respective domain; It helps the scholars to locate courses in their subject interests and research focus of the department and organization; and It provides scholarly metadata related to research interests of faculty members, research focus of the departments and schools.


It supports the faculty members to showcase their research contributions to the peer group; It provides more significant exposure for their research contributions to the international community and brings funding opportunities from the national and international agencies; and improve the research metadata quality and reduce the repetitive data entry for various assessment system.

Research Administrators:

It enables the administrator to build research report, performance assessments and research impact analysis; Strategically analyses the research progress for better decision making on funding, faculty assessment and resource allocation; Help the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQSC) and National Institutional Ranking Framework Coordinator to generate report for various research assessment.


Key research area and research progress of schools, departments and faculty members; and Faceted search facility with number of filters to find experts and their contribution.

Import publications from academic identities such as Microsoft Academic Search ID, Google Scholar ID, Researcher ID, Scopus ID; and ORCID integration to ingest the profile information with publication.

Networking of faculty through co-author network, map of science network; and 
Graphical representation on productivity of the department and individual faculty member.

Altimetric from social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Mendeley.
Citation from Scopus, CrossRef and link to Open Access article through Impact Story.